National Leadership
The Board Of Directors oversee the year to year operations of the team nationwide, as well as coordinate all the logistics of the yearly RAGBRAI team. Click a profile picture to see their bio!

Jackie Holland
Chief Financial Officer / CFO
Regional Teams & Leaders
(Note: Some regions/hubs fluctuate yearly based on available riders & leadership!)
Currently active states are green, formerly active states are gray. See FAQ below about resuming an inactive region

Sam Kennedy
Sam Kennedy is a 20-year active-duty Master Sergeant, and is the bass player and Readiness Section Chief at the Band of the Golden West at Travis AFB, CA. He has served in the Air Force since 2002. He was first stationed at Robins AFB, then Sembach AB Germany, followed by Langley AFB, then Ramstein AB, Germany, and finally Travis AFB in California. Sam has deployed four times and completed over 150 TDY missions to 39 countries in support of the USAF Public Affairs Band mission. Sam, and his wife Rachel, love cycling and have ridden with the AFCT since 2017, completing three RAGBRAI’s. Sam and Rachel have three children (17,14, and 10) and stay busy as the kid’s “semi-professional taxi drivers” in their off-duty hours. When they’re not busy, Sam enjoys regular cycling on all terrains from road, to gravel, to MTB trails. Rachel is an avid runner and is aiming to crush the upcoming Golden Gate 1/2 marathon. Sam can’t wait to Captain the California team to RAGBRAI 2023!
If you are not near an active hub but qualify as a rider (see Joining the Team) it’s possible to still attend RAGBRAI as an “at-large” member. Contact the “At-large” team leader identified above.
If you live near a previously active hub but think you can muster around 8-10 riders for either local events or RAGBRAI, contact the board at: Previously active states are marked gray on the map above.