Active Air Force, Reserve, Guard, Civil Service, Retiree and Dependent cyclists with a strong desire to represent the Air Force’s core values
ALL riders must present a “fit and trim” appearance.
Active members must have a passing score on their latest fitness test, with no cardio exemptions.
Riding REquirements
A proper road bike, associated gear and a passion for riding is required.
Riders participating in RAGBRAI must be able to ride ~500 miles in a single week to include a century (100 miles)
What it means to ride:
“The Air Force Cycling Team’s primary mission is to promote the Air Force as our nation’s great defender of freedom in the air, space, and cyberspace.” We accomplish this mission by being positive role models at cycling events all across the country. By slowing down to lend a hand to a cyclist in need, sharing inspirational stories or perhaps even showing off our fitness, we exhibit our core values of Integrity, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.
The team is not built around racing, nor is it strictly formed around a “recruiting” goal. The team is a 501(c)(3) non-profit which aside from being granted permissive leave status is entirely self sufficient. We simply hope that our actions will speak for themselves.

If you fit the qualifications above and are interested in riding for the team, please follow the steps below:
Using the link below, find your nearest regional lead
The team’s largest event each year is the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI). We attend this event with over 15k riders and have earned a reputation as “Guardian Angels of the Road” for our support of the week long ride.
The team also organizes it’s own multi day event, the Memorial to Memorial (M2M Ride) held in September. This ride is open to the public and is growing rapidly year after year.
Some regions also have riders that participate in local rides or races but not RAGBRAI or M2M.
Regardless if desiring to ride locally, RAGBRAI, or M2M all riders must sign a rider contract for the current year. The contract details things like training, appearance, gear and attendance requirements. Once signed, you enter into a very serious agreement of brotherhood and commitment!
RAGBRAI Team Registration is open annually ~Nov to Dec
M2M Registration runs annually ~Feb to Sept
3. Order gear / COLLECT DUES (if applicable)
Once the contract is signed, the regional lead will provide the means to order the “Official AFCT Kit” Remember: all gear is member funded.
f you want to participate in RAGBRAI which has limited space, your spot will not be reserved until your leader has received the team fee payment which covers things like the charter busses, generators, ice, water and a support crew stipend.
Gear will come in around the beginning of the year. From there you’ll be expected to either participate in either local rides, M2M and/or RAGBRAI.
Ready to ride?
You have questions. wE have answers.
The true “official” kit is only available to riders who have signed a contract for the year!! That being said.. we do have a variant available to the public that can be ordered here!
Riders are not sponsored by the Air Force and must purchase their own jerseys and gear. If participating in RAGBRAI, active duty riders get an alternate duty location for the week. This means their official place of work for the week is on the RAGBRAI route!
Check out our comprehensive
packing list!